Fabpost.com | Be yourself
  Fabpost is social networking platform which helps in sharing your Favorites (Fabulous Postings) with friends and the world. Apart from Favorites Fabpost is also used for sharing Must Have’s, Must See’s, Must do’s and Top 10’s with others.

Fabpost is a unique web property which combines two of the most powerful tools of the internet viz: ‘Social Networking (with more personalization)’ and exploring ‘User Generated Content’.

Fabpost also has the following functionality:

Blog: Fabpost provides a very simple way to start blogging and connecting with the world (it’s also an easy way to share blogs with friends).

Diary: Users may write their personal diaries which they may keep private or share it with their friends or others as per their own discretion.

Live Posts: Users may air their opinion openly on various topics of discussion under different categories. Users may also submit questions for which they would like to seek answers from others.

Fab listings: Fabpost also has an exclusive section wherein users can look up fabulous listings on various topics of interest to people of all ages.

World Pictures: Fabpost Users can share (and explore) impersonal pictures under different categories (currently Cities of The World and Impromptu Pictures) for everyone to see.

At Fabpost, we are excited about the possibilities this medium offers and believe that
‘The Best has just Begun’
Go to www.fabpost.com
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